Emily Rose Yates

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My top tips for recovering from colds and flu this Winter!

Brrrrr! It's been quite the winter already hasn't it? I am hearing about (and experiencing firsthand) all these new superbugs lurking around. I know it's so frustrating for many with work, sick kids or when plans change because we can't rely on anything right now due to illness.

There are a few things to consider here:

- Research suggests that Covid causes systemic inflammation, which remains in the system up to 6 months post original infection

- It tricks the immune system in a way, so it doesn't fight other bugs entering our system like it used to

- it severely effects our microbiome (the good bugs that defend our bodies from the bad bugs)

- a good microbiome replenishment program is required for 3 months post any covid infection, otherwise your immune system is compromised

- we have been in lockdown for the most part of 2 years, and not exposed to any strains of new viruses, generally we are exposed to 21 new viruses per year

- I'm also seeing a huge increase in mould exposure due to this wet weather which will also insidiously undermine your immunity

- we are also suffering a level of planetary PTSD from what we have all just endured, its REAL and we need to take stock and REST and talk about it, and ask for help if needed

Now, what to do about it -

- don't despair! we will get through this - what seems to be a viral storm

- support your gut after recovering from any virus (including probiotics, fresh organic fruit and vegetables, keffir, sauerkraut and bone broth)

- check for mould and remediate

- keep Vitamin D status at a maximum - levels at 140 per blood tests

- REST and CONVALESCE - don't push through, cancel everything and have a pyjama day or two (this is a fave in our house, it includes, movies, board games, and no one leaves the house, pyjamas all day)

- use oils, they considerably increase your vibration which supports illness to leave the body and a potent plant medicine for the entire family, I couldn't survive without mine and have managed to avoid antibiotics on two occasions this season

Please reach out to the team for an appointment so we can support you and your family in your winter struggles - we are here, we got you.

Remember every virus is one less you need to deal with in the future. E x