The Cleanse eBook (eBook only)


Follow this 21-day program that will detoxify, clear and re-set your health and leave you with sustainable changes, tools and techniques to empower you to live a toxin-free and nourished life forevermore.

This eBook is a self-guided cleanse for you to commence at a time that suits you. Cleansing is recommended with the seasons and can be incorporated into your lifestyle with the information provided in this eBook.

What does The Cleanse include?

  • 21 days of wholefood eating including naturopathically approved recipes, meal prep and weekly planner, self-care rituals, low-tox living guide, shopping tips and more

  • The Cleanse eBook enables you to follow the cleanse protocol at your own pace and start whenever it suits you!

Who would benefit from the CLEANSE?

  • if you are trying for a baby

  • if you are wanting to lose extra unwanted kilos

  • if you are looking for sustainable change in your eating habits and choices

  • if you are suffering from hormonal imbalances, PCOS, endometriosis

  • if you have digestive issues, constipation, headaches and fatigue

  • if you would like increased energy levels

  • if you are experiencing foggy toxic thoughts

  • if you are suffering from anxiety and depression

  • if you are feeling sluggish after the festive season

  • if you are wanting to get more out of your exercise regime

  • you are wanting to make better more sustainable food choices

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Is The Cleanse for everyone?

Cleansing must be approved by a qualified health care practitioner, naturopath or GP. Depending on your health concerns, there are certain situations where cleansing is not safe and is contra-indicated. Please gain approval from your health care practitioner before engaging in this cleanse.

Can I do this if I am vegetarian?

Yes, you can. Recipes can be adapted for a vegetarian diet however, my nutritional philosophy is paleo-based.


Can I do The Cleanse while breastfeeding?

This cleanse is not appropriate for mothers with newborns.  Please check with your GP before engaging in this cleanse if you are breastfeeding.


Am I likely to feel unwell on The Cleanse?

The cleanse can make you feel a little off on day 2/3 this is usually where the detox symptoms arise, headaches, muscle aches, stomach cramps, fatigue and mood fluctuations.  But after day 3 you feel much better and more energised and start sleeping much better.